Friday, September 27, 2013

It's that time again... time for fall foods that we look forward to every year! Some of these foods are available year-round, but now they are much cheaper in price and set the mood for fall. Here is a list of some produce that is best in the fall:
                                                                                       - squash
- cauliflower
- sweet potatoes
- broccoli
- brussels sprouts
- cabbage
- pumpkin 
- escarole 
- apples
- figs
- cranberries 
- celery
- kale

*Next time you're at your local farmer's market or produce store, check these items out! And who knows, maybe you will discover a new favorite fruit or vegetable!

1 comment:

  1. As a big fan of buying local, I usually will go to the farmers markets for my seasonal goodies. Not only are fruits and vegetables more nutritional when they are in season, they are also much more tasty. Thanks for sharing falls seasonal produce, I will be sure to pick up my fair share of kale, sweet potatoes, apples, and figs. Looking forward to your winter seasonal produce list!
